Hydrotherapy, often known as water cure, uses water to treat and relieve pain. It refers to the use of water in the treatment of a variety of ailments, such as arthritis and rheumatic symptoms. Hydrotherapy is distinct from swimming in that it entails specific exercises performed in a warm-water pool. You can enjoy the unique properties of water to improve movement, address stiff joints, strengthen weak muscles, and alleviate aches, followed by a relaxing 20-minute underwater hand massage. In Synergy Healing Centre our state-of-the-art pool includes a movable swimming pool floor with an integrated underwater bicycle and countercurrent nozzles that create healing resistance. Athletes, children, elderly patients, and pregnant women can all benefit from the system, which creates customised solutions for everyone.
Enjoy the unique properties of water to improve movement, address stiff joints, strengthen weak muscles, and alleviate aches, followed by a relaxing 20-minute underwater hand massage. Our state-of-the-art pool includes a movable swimming pool floor with an integrated underwater bicycle and countercurrent nozzles that create healing resistance. The system creates customised solutions for anyone – from athletes to children, elderly patients, and pregnant women.
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