Our Mukhabhyangam treatment is a remedial therapy where firm pressure is applied to lift facial muscles; it can be super relaxing and even rejuvenating, creating a beautiful glow for skin and hair. Enjoy complete relaxation as your head, scalp, and face are massaged gently with organic herbal essences. This may result in a “natural face lift” effect by assisting the lymphatic system, and tissues release stress and stagnation. We aim to stimulate recreation by triggering the nerve and marma points all around the head, face, and shoulders, aiming to bring your body back into a pure state of balance. Visit Synergy Healing Centre to try this unique Ayurvedic face massage that will help your skin better retain moisture to leave you looking younger and healthier.
Not to be confused with a facial. Mukhabyangam is a remedial therapy where firm pressure is applied to lift facial muscles for a youthful and vibrant glow. By activating the skin’s natural metabolism, this unique Ayurvedic face massage helps your skin better retain moisture to leave you looking younger and healthier.
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