Swedish Massage technique is a circular pressure applied by the hands and palms percussion like tapping, bending, and manual therapy that emphasises long strokes, firm kneading, and friction motions. The technique entails massaging muscles in the same direction as blood flow to the heart. These movements warm up the muscles’ superficial layers, reducing tension and breaking up “knots” or adhesions over time. Swedish massage promotes relaxation and other health benefits: it stimulates proper circulation, flushing the circulatory system, restores range of motion, and relieves pain. Visit Synergy Healing Centre and discover all the benefits of Swedish massage.
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage promotes relaxation, stimulates circulation, flushes the circulatory system, and relieves pain. Swedish massage techniques include circular pressure applied by the hands and palms, firm kneading, and percussion like tapping, bending, and stretching. These movements warm up the superficial layers of muscles, releasing tension and gradually breaking up “knots” or adhesions.
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